About BHC
The Berean Homeschool Cooperative is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has been in operation since 2004. Our name comes from Acts 17:11 where the Christians in Berea were said to be of noble character because "they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day..." In the same way, we as homeschoolers strive to give our children a life-long love of learning through high quality studies by utilizing the gifts and talents of other families in the home school community.
In keeping with our purpose, we exist to support and encourage families in teaching their children from a Biblical Christian worldview. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is our guiding and defining resource in the education of our children. Berean affirms the structure of family life as defined by God's word. The Christian family is designed by God to be comprised of a husband and a wife, and children if the Lord allows (Gen 2:24). We likewise affirm Biblical sexuality as described in Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He crated him; male and female He created them." We operate from the belief that biological sex and gender expression are to be in harmony, and to deny the reality of one's biological sex is to oppose the soverign authority of God over His creation. Humans are unique among God's creation, given the authroity by Him to rule overall other creatures in responsible dominion. Denial, alteration, or redefining of biological sex or human identity conflicts with the Biblical worldview we seek to uphold. We,therefore, reject as incompatible with our core beliefs, all non-Biblical forms of sexual or gender expression, including but not limited to: homosexuality, gender non-conformity, transgenderism, and animal identification.
Times and Location:
Wednesdays 9:00 am – 2:15 pm
Select classes also meet on Mondays
Woodlawn Baptist Church
5805 Jones Creek Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70817